Embark 3 Day Training Weekend

On the last weekend of March we descending on Hermanus for our 3 day training camp. Hermanus is an amazing town for all things swim bike and run, oh and a little socialising too ( masks and social distancing of course!)


Friday evening we started off with a choice of a 5km, 10km, or 15km cliff path run. What a stunning run along the paths,  taking in the magnificent views of the Atlantic Ocean lapping up against the cliffs, beaches, tidal pools and rocks! A stretch with our pyshio Gen Manchip while watching the sun set completed the Friday evening session. Then it was off to team dinner for a carbo feast of pizza and pasta before the BIG weekends training!


Saturday started off nice and early to beat the traffic. Again the athletes had a choice because Embark has a huge range of abilities within the groups. Giving the athletes choices mean we can facilitate all levels and everyone gets a great feeling of achievement. Their options were a 40km bike with a 5km run or a 40km bike with a 5km run followed by another one of those. Our more experienced athletes did the 40/5/60/5. And then the last option was an ride only of 120kms to Caledon and back through the Hemel an Aarde Valley.


Our afternoon swim was supported by Sea and Sand Lifeguards as they looked after the water safety for our sea swim. Unfortunately  the sea conditions were a little rough, so we cancelled the swim and did a bit of Vim Hoffing instead!  Saturday night was a our social night and we did a meal and some drinks at the Brewery. What a lovely place!


Sunday morning the sea was flatter and more inviting so again with the help of the local life guards we did our Aquathon! It was a choice of a 750m/5km or a 400m/2.5km run along the cliff paths again. This finished off the training weekend, and then rest of the Sunday was rest and recovery for the athletes!


If you are keen to join Embark on the next training weekend please get in touch with us. We run groups training on a daily bases across the Western Cape and Jozi. You can get in touch with us through the contact page

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