Cape Town Cycle Tour 2021

On the 10th October the Cape Town Cycle Tour took place in absolutely perfect Cape Town conditions. Although this was the postponed version of the March race, it went off amazingly. Embark had been training our athletes for the 109km race through out winter, and boy did we deserve a nice day after all those cold winter mornings of trainings!

Here is a memoir from Craig after completing his first Cape Town Cycle Tour:

I joined Embark at 125KGs in November 2019, wanting to complete the Cape Town Cycle tour in March 2020.

I began training with a Mountain Bike and Takkies but after a few rides, I boldly attempted the Cape Town Cycle Tour in 2020. Despite being unfit and battling with PTSD, I managed to ride and walk the race.

I was swept up at Red Hill, completing 58 KMs in 5 hours 30 minutes in 2020.


I continued my fitness journey with Embark and progressed with my training and weight loss. At 101 KGs,  a lot fitter and on a road bike with cleats, I arrived at starting line for the 2021 Cape Town Cycle Tour on Sunday the 10th of October. 

After a nervous start and a fall at Wynberg Hill, I completed the Cape Town Cycle Tour in 6 Hours 27 Minutes. The key to all of this was consistency in training, taking the advice offered by my Embark coach and believing it can be done.

Anything is possible if you willing to put in the effort. All you have to do is to Embark and take that first step.

Craig Wentzel
Embark Tri-Athlete




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