New Beginner Program Starts November

Start your journey with us in November

Some tips to get over the intimidation of STARTING!

Believe that you can do hard(er) things - Your body is stronger than you think. Turn, ‘I think I can do it’ into, ‘I KNOW I CAN DO IT!’

Sign up for an event. This is a great way to get motivated to train for a goal. Give yourself at least 6 months for an Ironman 70.3 event

If you’re nervous, you aren’t the first one! Everyone HAS to start somewhere. Bring a friend with you to training, they might even join in on your journey.

Follow the guidance of the coaches, and stick to your program. You can only go as fast as you can. If you push too fast and too hard you'll fizzle out!

Decide you will finish - spend time envisioning and practicing success, you will be more likely to step into that decision and put your efforts behind it.

Invest in the training wholeheartedly, plan your social life around the training. Complete the sessions and get the ‘green blocks’.

Be realistic about your training. Be flexible with your time so that you can maintain a balance.

The key to training is consistency, the KEY to success is CONSISTENCY

MOST IMPORTANTLY HAVE FUN with us, we are all in the same boat

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